As your life changes so do your obligations. Depending on your coverage needs, we can customize your policy and or secure additional coverages to protect what you value most.
Cyber Protection
- Cyber Security is a growing concern. Created to address the increased cyber risks faced by individuals and families, many insurance companies are now offering a Cyber liability endorsement that can be added to your home policy. By adding this enhancement, you can obtain some coverage for Cyber Crime, Cyber Bullying, Cyber Extortion, Breach Notification Costs, Data Recovery and System Restoration
- Did you know that Flood Insurance is not covered on your homeowners insurance policy? Flooding can affect you even if you don’t live near water. Flood Insurance covers physical loss to your property caused by floods, related erosion, severe rainstorms, flash floods, hurricanes, and snow melt. Only a Flood Insurance policy will financially protect you from flood damage costs. It is available to homeowners, business owners, and renters for both a building and its contents
Kidnap and Ransom
- Global Travels may increase your need for additional protection. This coverage is designed to protect individuals traveling in high-risk areas around the world. These policies provide some coverage for the perils of kidnap, extortion, wrongful detention, and hijacking.
Directors and Officers
- Do you sit on not for profit board? You could be held liable for the actions of this organization. You may be provided some protection from the organization’s policy and your personal policy, but this may not be enough if the organization or multiple directors are sued. You may wish to obtain additional coverage for your own personal protection.
Employer Liability coverage
- If you employ residential staff- such as gardeners, housekeepers or nannies. This coverage can address specific liability needs and help protect you if you are accused of wrongful termination, sexual harassment or employment discrimination.
Special Events
- Are you hosting a special event and are concerned about possible financial losses? Coverage can be obtained through a special policy to protect the financial investment of your event as well as possible liability exposures that may result from this event.
- Whether you own a runabout, sailboat, or yacht, we know as you cruise the open water you want to make sure you are protected. Our carriers offer specialized boat and yacht products with comprehensive coverages and enhancements that that will cover the repair and or replacement of your boat, personal property, and towing and emergency assistance coverage.